Optimized for iPhone X (FREE+PRO)
What I'm missing most on iPhone X is status bar time and battery indicators in landscape. Should I add "always on" battery and time indicator to the app's landscape mode? Also upside down orientation is missing on iPhone X, I explain it by FaceID specifics - nothing can be done with it at the moment. I know that your ideas and suggestions will help with making right decisions here.
Enough said for iPhone X! Let me continue with new features:
- Continuous (current default)
- Single
Continuous is doing what it says, as long as you are over the speed limit - it mercilessly shouts. This is the default and the only available option for the free version.
Single will shout once per each speed limit violation, quite less bothering option than the default one.
Last row in this screen is "General sound settings" - new to this version as well, lets take a look.
New to this version is "General sound settings" screen. I hope this screen can be really useful for either fine tuning alert and voice sound or troubleshooting possible car vs. iPhone sound issues.
🔈 New sound options (PRO)
New options include:
- Play alert and messages via bluetooth hands free.
- Route alert and sound to built in loud speaker when A2DP connection is active.
- Reduce sound volume from other apps when alert or voice messages are playing.
- Mute/unmute all sound output from the app.
- Show mute/unmute button on main screen:
Screen also shows current output device name and provides "play" button to test sound and voice alerts.
💰 New cost/fuel options (PRO)
Totally new in this version are:
- 'Miles Per Liter' and 'Kilometers per Liter' fuel efficiency options.
- Configurable currency symbol:
- Optional driving range monitoring:
This driving range monitoring is something veteran car owners and broken dashboard car owners have been asking for quite some time. Please use with understanding that accuracy of this feature is totally dependent on how disciplined you are while tracking the distance. When automatic tracking comes, this will have more meaning as well.
📈 Speed graph option for the GPS dash (PRO)
One of the requests from pilots was showing altitude instead of coordinates. This is now available as a new panel for the iPod area:
Another requirement was to show altitude in either feet or meters independently on other settings in the app. This is possible by tapping below the "ALTITUDE" label and picking the unit.
🗺 Return of a "map only" track view (PRO)
Supports both Geometry and gx tracks. Placemarks are extracted from .kml files as waypoints. Support for .kmz files will come in the future releases.
- (PRO+FREE) Tapping on a speed units switch on the main screen now shows a confirmation menu for speed units change - should avoid accidental units change/tickets.
- (PRO) Tracks list has been reworked. Looks almost the same, though track and trips names should be now easier to see. Rework should facilitate showing tags and automatic tracking data in the future releases.
- (PRO) You can make a URL waypoints collection a default and move waypoints to it from other collections, but this requires URL collection to have sync frequency as None/Manual - so your manually added waypoints are not overwritten during the next sync. This should support scenarios when you keep camera files on Dropbox, update it manually at times and then sync back (manually) to the app.
- (PRO) Made "extras" in HUD/Full screen brighter. You can always adjust the overall brightness of HUD, so making these a bit dimmed was not the best idea from me.
- (PRO) Made customization of speed limit and iPod areas more available by turning the "customization button" into standard blue buttons with a single tap to open the customization options.
This is it for version 1.8.2 - January 2018. Hope you'll like the new additions!
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